In May this year some of our youth group got together for a fun evening to say thank you to Louise for her first year in MCC and to say farewell to Sinead who was finishing up her time in LPC. As usual food and mess abounded! Here are some of the photos from the night.

YG-Party-May-15-23 YG-Party-May-15-22 YG-Party-May-15-21 YG-Party-May-15-19 YG-Party-May-15-18 YG-Party-May-15-14 YG-Party-May-15-13 YG-Party-May-15-12 YG-Party-May-15-11 YG-Party-May-15-10 YG-Party-May-15-07 YG-Party-May-15-06 YG-Party-May-15-04 YG Party May 15-07 YG Party May 15-06 YG Party May 15-04