“Our Meeting Place and COVID-19”

As we look at the title above it may cause us to think back to when we could meet together in person as a church. I look back with the hope that we’ll be soon enjoying our services again. I’m sure all of us feel the same. I’ve found that there is one meeting place where we don’t have to look back and hope to have restored, it is in fact an ever-present reality in our lives; I’ll say more on this ever-present reality later.

In this unprecedented time when we can’t get together physically as a body of believers to worship, to hear the teaching of God’s Word, and to fellowship together, our Sunday services are now confined to our smart phones, tablets, and laptops. To be able to have our Sunday services even online is still a blessing, but it’s really not the same. Many things have struck me (in thought) over the past six months or so, and not being able to meet as we once did is definitely one of them.

As I think on this, what comes to mind is that it really was such a privilege to meet with the folk from MCC, to worship together and to just hang out with each other after the service with a nice coffee. This was something I probably took for granted, but now looking back I see that such times were a real blessing for me. I now realize we can take nothing for granted, but all good things are truly a gift from God.

On another level I also have a greater appreciation for the biblical truth that this world will not always carry on indefinitely. The incredible changes we’ve seen in our world due to COVID-19 have reminded me of this. Indeed, our Lord Jesus has promised to come back one day and make all things right. He will also bring us safely into His Eternal Kingdom. What a wonderful promise and sure hope we have! 

I am learning in all of this that my main focus should not be on the temporary, but on the eternal. Not on that which is fleeting, but on that which lasts forever. As I’ve said earlier, regrettably our physical Sunday services are not happening at this time, but there is one meeting place that is an ever-present reality, that meeting place is our meeting place with God. He longs to have fellowship with us. He delights to hear our prayers. Our heavenly Father who loves us desires that we rest in Him, our Rock in a world that is that is ever changing. 

None of us expected a year like 2020, and we don’t know what the years ahead will bring either, but one thing is for sure, meeting with God in that quiet place, both in prayer and in the Word will keep us focused on the right things. As we make time for God in our lives, He will draw near to us. More than that, it is in these times together that He also gives us His rest, it is there He will give us His peace. Our meeting place with God, and making good use of it should be our number one priority. In a world of change and turmoil He will be an anchor for the soul, and a sure foundation that we can rest upon. As Isa. 33.6 tells us, “He will be the sure foundation for your times…”

COVID-19 has caused much disruption and change in our lives, but God works out all things for good for those who love Him. Again, it is in that meeting place with God that we will discover afresh this great truth and indeed, the great truths and promises in His Word the Bible.

Let us all make the effort to enter into that ever-present meeting place with God. It is also there we will find He is an ever-present help in these times of trouble. Amen.

By Eddie Milne