You are invited to join Tearfund Ireland for coffee at one of the coffee mornings happening around the country in the coming weeks. Next Wednesday March 6th from 10am – 12pmyou can meet some of the Tearfund Ireland staff at the coffee morning event happening in their offices on Foley Street, Dublin 1. Kate Robbins from Strictly with Tearfund Ireland fame will be the host! Or tune intoSpirit Radio or Life FM and catch some of the fun as there will be live interviews from Tearfund coffee mornings and Tearfund staff member Niamh Daly will be in theSpirit Radio studios talking about the work of Tearfund in Yemen, Self Help Groups run by the local church in Ethiopia and their work in Ireland mobilising the Irish church to stand for global justice. Don’t miss out!


Please let Niamh ( or 01 8783200) if you plan to join them in the office
next Wednesday or would like info about hosting your own coffee morning.