Mission Support Team

Mission TEAM

The Mission Support Team in MCC co-ordinates our efforts as a church to partner in mission with various other individuals and organisations around Ireland and the world.  Presently, as a church, we are committed to ring-fencing at least 15% of all the giving we receive for use in such partnership. At least 50% of our fund each year is given to those working overseas. The Mission Support Team at MCC assists the elders in this by fielding enquiries from potential partners, administering applications and keeping current our links and communications with those we are supporting.  Part of this role is to provide regular updates to our members from our mission partners so that we can be informed in our understanding and prayer. Part of it is to invite (where possible) representatives from the organisations we support to come along to MCC and share their vision and work with our congregation. Part of it is to cast the vision for mission involvement outside of MCC to all of our members and to encourage and support our members to ‘go’ as well as to pray.

Check Out Our Mission Partners Below!



CompassionIrish Bible Institute Tearfund  Church In Chains CUI
The Matilda ProjectInternational Justice Mission



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