MCC were again delighted this year to partner with International Justice Mission at their lunchtime presentation during Social Justice Week on the university campus. Chloe did a great job in presenting “The Locust Effect,” a presentation on why poverty is often the after effects of violence. Many thanks to Louise for all her hard work in making this event possible.
Lunch in the making
Louise, Chloe and friends at the I.J.M lunch
This past week saw Maynooth University host Social Justice Week. It was an opportunity for different areas of social injustice to be brought to the forefront of people’s minds and conversations and raise awareness to the difficulties the wider world face. Maynooth Community Church were privileged to host a lunch for around 100 students and invite Chloe Fulton from International Justice Mission UK/Ireland to come and speak about the work that they are involved with. She shared about The Locust Effect giving the stark reality of how much violence there is around the world but also bringing hope in the face of it, explaining what IJM do to combat these issues and bring support to the communities and individuals who are in the middle of it.
•35 million people currently enslaved worldwide
•1 in 5 women is a victim of rape or attempted rape
•5 million people chased from their homes every year
These are but a few of the figures that were shared. IJM helps victims move through their broken justice system in four ways.
•Rescue – Working with local police to rescue victims from on going violence
•Restore – Working with social workers to restore the survivors to their community
•Restrain – Working with local police to restrain criminals
•Represent – Working with public prosecution to represent survivors in court In response to this, it was so encouraging to see students staying behind after the talk and chatting with Chloe and in small groups between themselves and also having some students sign up for more information and to find out how they can go about supporting IJM in their work to abolish violence and slavery.
MCC would like to thank everyone who had a part to play in this event. The University Staff, the caters, IJM for their wonderful contribution and the students and staff who were able to attend in the midst of an extremely busy time of year.
For more information on I.J.M please visit or