MCC is a self-supporting church and all our finances come from the support of our members. If you would like to support us in this way this page explains how you can financially support MCC on a regular basis – either by Standing Order or using our MCC giving envelopes. Both methods are a great help in our financial and missional planning as they allow us to estimate our income in advance and enable the significant benefit of tax reclaim.
How Tax Reclaim Works
One of the primary benefits of using standing orders or using MCC’s gift envelopes is that we can claim the tax associated with your giving back from the government. This claim makes no difference at all to your tax bill but significantly increases your contribution to MCC. If you are a taxpayer we can reclaim almost 43% of any annual offering totalling over €250. On €250 this amounts to €107.50. With tax reclaim, a gift of €250 thus becomes a gift of €357.50. A gift of €1,000 thus becomes almost €1428.50. The tax back we can claim is limited only to the total tax paid to the government by the contributor.
In MCC both PAYE and self assessed taxpayers tax reclaims are processed by the MCC treasurer through Revenue on Line. All you need to do is sign the relevant tax reclaim form. It’s as easy as that.
Giving by Standing Order
Standing orders can be set up at up at your bank or on the web if you are registered for online banking. Just use MCC’s details below. Please be sure to provide your name in the standing order reference field. This will create an identifiable record of each contribution you make and allow the church to track your giving for tax reclamation purposes.
Please let us know once the initial standing order has been put in place and we will then confirm when the first transfer has been applied to our bank account.
Giving by Envelope
MCC has 3 basic Funds – our General Fund that supports the day to day running of the congregation, the Mission Support Fund from which we support our various mission partners; and our Help Fund that enables us to offer support to those who are struggling financially. You are very welcome to give to one or each of these and you can detail this using our MCC Envelopes. Just tick the relevant circle on the outside of the envelope to direct its use. These envelopes enable you to give to MCC using cash or cheque whilst still allowing us to claim back the tax on your gift. Please speak to Wianette, our Treasurer, for more details.
MCC’s Bank Details for setting up Standing Orders
Our Bank: AIB, Main Street, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
Our Account Name: Maynooth Community Church
Sort Code: 93-32-01
Account Number: 40487026
IBAN: IE02AIBK93320140487026
Reference: (your name)
If you have any other queries, please feel free to our Treasurer in the strictest confidence:
Wianette Pieterse (Treasurer)
089 6130556
Many thanks for your support.