by admin | Oct 5, 2022 | Past Events, Venture, Youth Group
Our Venture crew kicked off the year with a Progressive Dinner trip around Maynooth. We hopped into several cars which each took a different route, stopping at various MCCer houses for a dinner course. Main? Dessert? Starter? Drinks? Who knows! Each group had a random...
by admin | Nov 24, 2020 | Our Weekly Events, Venture, Youth Group
Load ’em up! Venture wasn’t able to have its usually in-person fun this year, but that didn’t stop the group having a great time! Venture leaders piled on the pumpkins and delivered every kid a pumpkin, along with a small card and goodie bag. A...
by admin | Jan 24, 2019 | Venture
Final One of 2018! Our last Venture activity for the year was our annual Christmas Party. From gingerbread house decorating competitions to white elephant present scrambles, the night was a fun final hurrah before the break. And of course, it wouldn’t be a Venture...