Failté! Welcome!

Happy New Year! Thanks for visiting.

How to find us

Who We Are

MCC is a community of ordinary people from various backgrounds and traditions who are passionate about following Jesus and living out the message he came to proclaim.

Our desire is to help people discover God’s presence in their lives, connect with others in Christian community, and grow as disciples of Jesus.

Our Sunday Service

MCC’s Sunday Worship is at 10.30am - or maybe, a little more accurately, 10.34am 🙂 During our services, we have a créche (for 0-4yr olds) and our JAM (Jesus and Me) children's club (for 5-11 yr olds).  For those with very young children, or those needing some privacy to feed their babies, we also have a parents' room, off our worship space in which the service can be seen and heard. 

During our Sunday Services, MCC runs both a Crèche for under 5’s and a Kid’s club (JAM) for those of primary school age. Both are held in rooms just up from our worship area.

MCC Home Groups are gatherings of 8-12 people that meet on Wednesday evenings in Maynooth, Celbridge, Leixlip, Dunboyne and Kilcock. They are a great place to get together for encouragement, support, Bible Study and prayer.


MCC is delighted to have young adults and third level students as part of our church family. Along with a warm welcome to our services, our young adults have their own ministry and events  running throughout the year such as fresher gatherings, student lunches, outings and Home Groups.

Venture is MCC’s Youth Group for all secondary school students. It meets 7.00pm-9.00pm most Friday evenings in your new facility on the Dublin Road. Games, food and fun centre around a discussion or talk about faith and the bible.
As well as our own programme, Venture participates in joint events with other youth groups and Young Life Maynooth activities.

If you are new to Christianity, our Discover the Gospel section provides some short introductions to the Bible, the message of Jesus, why we can trust it, and what following Jesus means for our lives.


MCC’s Alpha Course is a ten week introduction to Christianity. Held in churches all over the world, the Alpha Course is the perfect place either to begin exploring Jesus’ message or to refresh your understanding of the basics of his teaching. Our next Alpha will be in October 2024. Please click the graphic above for more details.

MCC's New Building Project

We are so delighted that our new building programme is now completed!. Please click above if you would like to see some of the photos from along the journey to our new meeting place.

Information and updates about the Mission Partners MCC supports from our annual Mission Fund.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”    C.S. Lewis


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About Us

Our History
Our Vision

Our Leadership Team 

How MCC is organised




Current Rota

MCC’s Calendar
Questions about Jesus?

Charity Numbers

CHY No : CHY22864

Registered Charity No : 20205770